We have several fundraisers that support the youth exhibitors that participate at the Ramona Junior Fair.
The Ramona Junior Fair is ran completely by volunteers and there are no paid staff. The fundraising is very important for many reasons. We always try to keep the entry fees for our youth to remain low and affordable for everyone so no one is excluded from participating.
The fundraising goes towards many things that allow the Ramona Junior Fair to exist. Here are examples but not limited to what the fundraising helps fund.
- Scholarships
- Judging expenses
- Awards
- Fairground Maintenance and up keep
- Fairground improvement projects
- Livestock Auction day dinner and events
- Pie Auction Dinner and Events
- Fair grounds utilities
Here are the current fundraisers.
- RJF Pie Auction & BBQ – SAVE THE DATE!!! SUNDAY, JUNE 4, 2023!
- This is our biggest fundraiser and is held in mid July each year. This event was born in 1980 and started out as a dessert auction between some families that thought selling desserts would be a great fundraiser. We have between 75 and 100 desserts mostly of old family recipes for pies, brownies, cookies and more donated for the auction. We have a live auctioneer that usually is one of our very own Ramona Junior Fair alumni to auction off all the items. The deep pit BBQ was added at an unknown time. We deep pit about 400 pounds of Beef, Pork and Turkey that is slow cooked for 12+ hours. Our youth and leaders prepare all the sides for the event to compliment these amazing meats. The antique truck and tractor show has been added in the recent years and attracts beautiful vehicles that you should come to see or bring your own to show off if you have one. There is no entry fee for the show. (Unfortunately, this year has led to some changes, but we will still have many delicious desserts for everyone to purchase!
The 2023 RJF Pie Auction & BBQ
Sunday, June 4th
BBQ Meal Distribution*: 3:30 – 6 PM
Pie Auction Begins: 4:30 PM
Hope to see you there!
- “The After Auction”- July 29, 2023
The after auction was started for the need to sell items that have been donated that were not desserts. We have a live auctioneer that usually is one of our very own Ramona Junior Fair alumni to auction off all the items. The after auction is held in the evening of our livestock auction day. There is typically around 100+ items donated such as various gift certificates, merchandise like coolers, hats, art work, crafts, quilts and so much more. There is something here for every buyer.
- Sponsorship’s-
Please contact Victoria Stanley if you have any questions regarding sponsorships. We have several levels of sponsorship available. Upper level banner sponsorship options will have a banner displayed along Aqua Lane which is a frequented street that services the baseball, softball, soccer, Ramona community center and many other large community events. We have adjusted this sponsorship in this unique year with Covid-19 because the traffic along Aqua Lane is not what it used to be. If you do want a banner on the RJF Fence, we would be happy to offer that to you as well. When sponsoring a banner please include info such as a digital logo or name you want displayed.- $2500+ Platinum Sponsor– Includes 2-month 4×8’ size banner display on Highway 67 between Mussey Grade and Dye Road for commuters to see that “RJF thanks your ‘Business Name’ for your platinum sponsorship”, Platinum sponsors get Gold and Silver sponsorships as well.
- $500+ Gold Sponsorship– Includes 2’ x 4’ “RJF Thanks you for your support” banner to be displayed at your place of business. This includes your logo or name in all publications that RJF uses such as Ramona Sentinel, Ramona Home Journal, etc., and on our websites digital scrolling sponsor banner.
- $250 Silver Sponsorship– This includes your logo or name in all publications that RJF uses such as Ramona Sentinel, Ramona Home Journal, etc., and on our websites digital scrolling sponsor banner.
- Awards sponsorship donation- This is an open donation amount. This donation will be used for belt buckles, ribbons and other awards that will be needed for the youth participants.